“DROPLET, son of the Sky and the salty Sea”

Genre: Adventures and environmental education / Public: Family and children (0-3 years) / Format: 39 chapters x 7 minutes

We present the Pilot’s audiovisual trailer, where we will present the main character and plot of the series (collaboration with Caramel and Murmur Sound Studio).


“Droplet” is the tip of the iceberg of our eco-creative ocean

The protagonist and his friends, will show us different realities and monsters that represent the anthropic problems of the environment. Through all the chapters we will develop themes in favor of the preservation of the ocean and nature. A sea of ​​stories in multiplatform audiovisual series, illustrated album, song, video-clip, audio-book, Kindle / eBook, App, etc.

Platform of experts in the conservation, study and dissemination of the marine environment, as an environmental consultant: www.submon.org
